
Solving Rubik’s Cube

One of the core goals of this work was to push the capabilities of sim-to-real dexterity by growing environment complexity purely in simulation. The entropy of these environments was managed through the use of the implicit curriculum learning generated by Automatic Domain Randomization.


Solar UAV-Large

The purpose of this project was to explore the development of a hand-launchable fixed-wing UAV capable of day-long and multi-day flight through the use of solar-power. My primary contributions were related to power electronics architecture and design, avionics.


Transformer UAV

The Transformer UAV project demonstrates a shapeshifting based approach to vertical-takeoff-and-landing (VTOL). The inspiration for this pursuit stems from designing a UAV that combines the efficiency of fixed-wing flight with the manuvarability of multi-rotor flight. Combined with the energy surplus associated with solar-powered flight yielded a unique and rich research pursuit. Protoypes are named MultI-Section-Transformable (MIST)-UAV.

